How To Effectively Cut Electricity Cost- Nigerian Discloses

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Optimising electricity bill management includes strategic energy usage, adopting efficient appliances, unplugging idle devices, insulating effectively, utilising natural lighting, and consistent heating, among others, JOSEPHINE OGUNDEJI writes.

In the vibrant neighborhood of Oshodi in Lagos, Nigeria, the Adekunle family lived in a modest yet cozy apartment. Olumide Adekunle, a skilled mechanic, and his wife, Amina, cherished their home where they have raised three wonderful children.

However, when news of the proposed 40 percent increase in electricity tariffs reached their ears, it cast a shadow over their usually cheerful household.

One evening, after a long day of work, Olumide sat down with his family to discuss the matter. The living room was illuminated by a single flickering light bulb, a stark reminder of the potential changes to come. His children, curious and concerned, listened as Olumide shared the news and its potential impact on their lives.

Amina, a resourceful and enterprising woman, spoke up. “We’ve faced challenges before,” she said, her voice brimming with determination. “We can find a way to navigate this too.”

Olumide nodded in agreement. Together, they began brainstorming ideas on how to tackle the impending increase in electricity tariffs. Their primary concern was adhering to the financial rule of not letting rent exceed 30 percent of their annual income.

The next day, Amina visited their neighbours, the Uzohs, who owned a small convenience store. Over cups of hot tea, Amina shared her worries about the proposed tariff increase. To her surprise, Mr. Uzoh revealed that he had been researching energy-efficient appliances for his store to cut costs. They hatched a plan to explore these options together.

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Francis Adegoke is an astute Publisher, Professional Journalist, PR Expert, Experienced E-commerce, Digital Media and Marketing Strategist.

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