Fire Raze Galway Hotel Reserved For Asylum Seekers

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A Galway Hotel that was reserved for hosting asylum seekers has been set ablaze by unknown attackers.

The hotel was said to have been set aside to host 70 asylum seekers from next Thursday.

Images have emerged of Ross Lake House in Galway engulfed in flames in the incident, which happened late on Saturday evening.

A spokesman for An Garda Síochána said gardaí are investigating the “criminal damage incident by fire”.

“The incident happened at around 11.35pm and afterwards fire services brought the fire under control. There were no persons inside the building at the time of the incident. The scene has been preserved and a technical examination will take place later today.”

Gardaí are appealing for anyone who may have information to contact them at Clifden Garda station 095 22500 the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda station.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth notified locals on Friday, December 15th, the hotel would be used to host 70 people seeking refuge in Ireland who were international protection applicants.

A protest was then held outside the building in Rosscahill following the announcement.

The hotel had been under private ownership but had not been in use for a number of years.

Galway County Council and the department have all been contacted for comment.

#The Irish Times

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Francis Adegoke is an astute Publisher, Professional Journalist, PR Expert, Experienced E-commerce, Digital Media and Marketing Strategist.

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